Beauty,  Circumspect Sunday,  Weekly Bling

Circumspect Sunday: Easy Like Sunday Morning

As girlie girl as I am, I have days where I really, really hate to get dressed, take a shower or even comb my hair. Not a pretty picture I assure you.  But there is something beautiful about just hanging out at home in my “natural” state, coffee cup and newspaper in hand.  You know, an easy Sunday  morning.  So that was my day today.  I didn’t even do my work, my homework or cook.  Just hung out in my t-shirt, with my remote and watched my team get beat down (football).  And I sort of felt justified because I’m kind of sick and I thought a non-stressful day would make me feel better.

black woman-in-bed-watching-TV

But just the opposite happened.  I feel even more stressed because I didn’t do anything, and my hair looks like Ben Wallace’s and I have a pretty hectic day tomorrow and I need to look presentable.  And here I am doing my blog at nearly midnight because I made a promise that I would do it everyday.  So where it the beauty?  I think the beauty is that I exercised my option to relax.  Something that single mothers like me rarely do.  And taking that time for yourself, that’s a beautiful thing.

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