Headlines: How to Banish Bad Hair Days Forever
Nothing ruins your mood quite like a bad hair day. When you’re running late for work but your barnet refuses to play ball, it’s enough to make you concoct a fiendish plan to bundle Nicky Clarke into your boot and keep him as your hair slave. But you’re not alone. According to research, the average UK lass will wake up with unruly hair at least three days a week, which is the equivalent of 26 years battling limp, greasy and uncontrollable tresses. This can lead the average woman spending around an hour and a quarter feeling moody and depressed, with an unflattering hat plonked on their bonce to hide the mess underneath. Something has to be done, girls. Short of kidnapping a celebrity hairstylist, however, what other ways can you make sure you banish disorderly locks forever and avoid a spiral of hair-induced depression? Read on to find out … Use Chemical Free Shampoo It’s difficult to fathom, but those off the shelf shampoos you’ve relied on for countless years are probably doing your hair more harm than good. Why? Because many of them contain a raft of chemicals that could be stripping the natural oils from your hair. As a result, one of the easiest ways to avoid damaging your precious tresses is to invest in a chemical free shampoo to restore your hair’s natural oils. This should also prevent hours spent in front of the mirror trying to fix your unruly locks. Sort Out Your Diet When the mirror presents you with a head of hair that looks like a Boris Johnson/WorzelGummidge hybrid, it’s easy to find solace in junk food – but fuelling your body with saturated fat will ultimately have an adverse effect on your tresses. Of course, we all deserve an off day now and again, but it’s important to make sure your diet contains plenty of fresh fruit and vegeatables, as well as drinking your recommended quota of water to keep your hair in tiptop condition all year round. Stop Blow Drying If you’ve struggled to get out of bed and open your eyes, the last thing you want to be confronted with is an unruly head of hair – and this can lead to a quick wash and a blast of the blow dryer in an attempt to claw back some dignity before leaving the house. However, the searing heat of your blow dryer could be doing your hair some long-term damage, as it tends to frazzle your strands and leaves you with locks that look drier than a 10-year old Ryvita left under a desert sun. Now it’s your turn … Do you have any top tips for avoiding bad hair days that you’d like to share with our readers? Please let us know be leaving a comment below – we’d love to hear from you.
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