Budget Beauty Tuesday: Editor's Picks—Burt's Bees Hand Salve
Among my beauty addictions, is an insane devotion to hand cream. I’m a germaphobe and that means that I’m constantly washing my hands. And when the soap and water option isn’t available, I am spritzing hand sanitizer. All of the ” cleanliness is next to godliness” action just dries my hands completely out. So, I rely on hand creams to keep my hands soft. I keep them in every purse, drawer, on my desk, in pockets… You get my drift. I was recently sent Burt’s Bees Hand Salve to try, and it’s a keeper. Here are the details about this awesome hand salve: Have super-dry hands? This all-natural salve knows how to handle it. Brimming with botanical oils, herbs and Beeswax, your hard-working hands can finally find sweet relief. • Moisturizes rough, dry hands with botanical oils and Beeswax • Herbal scent • Perfect for both men and women Why we picked it: Burt’s Bees Hand Salve is perfect for very, very dry hands. It’s heavy duty, a tad heavy, but it gets the job done. For extremely chapped or chaffed hands, you will feel a sense of relieve upon working this hand salve into your skin. The moisturizing properties are so great, that you can give your feet a treat with this hand salve. It does a great job of relieving dry skin there too. Apply this salve to hands and feet and combine with gloves and socks, you will wake will be super-soft skin in the morning .The only downside is that it is a little greasy, so be sure that you are not reading a treasured book or touching anything where you don’t want to leave a fingerprint. Bling Factor: Pro: Moisturizes, relieves extremely dry skin Con: A bit greasy, but worth it and it eventually absorbs Price: $9 Buy Again: Yes Packaging: 5 Blings — Love the tin Overall: 5 Blings
Tracey Brown